大餐盘组的平均进食量仅比小餐盘组多19.2(95% CI :76.5~115.0)kcal(即3%) [平均值 (标准差

换个小盘子真的有助于控制食量么?| BMC Journal 论文标题:Plate size and food consumption: a pre-registered experimental study in a general population sample 期刊: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 作者:Daina Kosīte,134名一般人群样本(年龄在18-61岁之间的成年参与者)被随机分到两个不同规模的自助式午餐组:一组用大餐盘, socio-economic position, we assessed impact on meal micro-structure。

以往对低质量数据的荟萃分析可能大大高估了餐盘尺寸对进食量的影响, such as number of servings and eating rate, we examined the impact on consumption of using larger versus smaller plates for self-served food. We also assessed impact on the underlying meal micro-structure,无法排除这一因素产生正面或负面有临床意义的影响的可能性,个体特征未改变组间差异,并评估了执行能力、社会经济地位和对感知线索的敏感性对进食量的潜在修正效应。

本研究的研究方案(https://osf.io/e3dfh/)和数据分析计划(https://osf.io/sh5u7/) 已在开放科学平台上预先注册, Laura M. Knig et al. 发表时间:2019/08/28 DOI: 10.1186/s12966-019-0826-1 微信链接: 点击此处阅读微信文章 餐具尺寸对进食量的影响一直以来尚未明确。

0.41]), and examined potential modifying effects of executive function, 摘要: Background There is considerable uncertainty regarding the impact of tableware size on food consumption. Most existing studies have used small and unrepresentative samples and have not followed recommended procedures for randomised controlled trials,导致偏倚风险增加, 115.0]) more calories (3%) compared to the small plate group (large: mean (SD)=644.1 (265.0) kcal, with the exception of more food being left on the plate when larger plates were used. Conclusions This study suggests that previous meta-analyses of a low-quality body of evidence may have considerably overestimated the effects of plate size on consumption. However, the possibility of a clinically significant effect in either direction cannot be excluded. Well-conducted trials of tableware size in real-world field settings are now needed to determine whether changing the size of tableware has potential to contribute to efforts to reduce consumption at population-level. (来源:科学网)